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What is iCHEF API service?

Integrate iCHEF POS with technology platforms or ERP system for seamless data interaction

iCHEF ERP 接合服務:需要整合型報表,不用另外買 ERP

Integrate with shopping malls

Seamless automatic data transfer

Hassle free way to
fulfil all major malls's requirements
iCHEF ERP 接合服務:交易明細自動控管營運更輕鬆

Manage ordering and multiple outlets

All data at your fingertips

Automate ordering and sales reports
iCHEF ERP 接合服務:串接你的報表系統,自動化更便利

Integrate with your ERP system

Easy to use API for you to integrate into your internal system

Powerful API for your internal system

API documents

iCHEF ERP 接合服務:依日期、小時、發票號碼,選擇你想看的時段明細


Essential data points offered

Delivery method|API
Delivery schedule|as requested