
我們推薦你拜訪 iCHEF 台灣官網


iCHEF 產品服務條款

歡迎您使用資廚管理顧問股份有限公司(下稱「iCHEF」)之網站及/或服務,當您直接或間接使用 iCHEF 之網站及 / 或服務時,即表示您已閱讀、瞭解、同意接受並遵守下列服務條款 (下稱「服務條款」)。

iCHEF 提供 POS 服務與其他產品功能,包括但不限於點餐、出單、數據統計、線上菜單、預訂、結帳、總部帳號與營運管理及行銷等(詳情請見 iCHEF 官網,下稱「服務」)。

一經使用 iCHEF 任一項產品 / 網站或服務,即表示您聲明並保證:

  1. 您是具備完全權利能力和行為能力的自然人、法人或其他組織,並已接受本服務條款,且依法有權為之;

  2. 在法規許可範圍內,您同意 iCHEF 得為遵守相關法律或依相關法律之強制規定,使用您的資料並經營 iCHEF 之網站及服務;

  3. 您不為他人或為任何不法目的使用 iCHEF 之網站及/或服務,亦不得使用 iCHEF 之網站及/或服務進行任何不正當或有損 iCHEF 商譽之活動;

  4. 您同意 iCHEF 在發生特定情事(包含但不限於下述者)時,得立即終止您對 iCHEF 網站及/或服務之使用權利,且如因下列情事而致 iCHEF 受有任何損失或損害,iCHEF 並得向您請求損害賠償(包含但不限於訴訟費用、律師費用及商譽損失):

    a. 您違反本服務條款;

    b. 試圖自己或協助他人未經授權存取本網站;

    c. 您不當使用或錯誤使用 iCHEF 之網站及/或服務;

    d. 以機器人或其他技術方法,變更、刪除、破壞 iCHEF 網站之資料內容或設備,或是對本網站之經營造成不良影響;

    e. 藉由 iCHEF 網站設計存在之漏洞,或以越過、破壞 iCHEF 網站安全維護機制等其他技術方法,變更、刪除或蒐集他人之個人資料;

    f. 您違反任何相關法規。

  5. 除本服務條款另有規範者外,您與 iCHEF 之權利義務相對關係,仍應遵守您與 iCHEF 簽訂之《POS 服務合約》之規範。


iCHEF 授權您存取及使用 iCHEF 之網站及服務,該授權為有限、非專屬及不可移轉之權利,惟 iCHEF 有權將所有權利、利益或義務移轉予他人,本服務條款應對 iCHEF 之繼受人或受讓人發生全部效力。


您上傳至 iCHEF 網站或服務之內容,包括但不限於您的資訊、照片或文字,應不侵害任何第三人之權益,包括但不限於商標權、專利權、著作權、營業秘密等。若因您提交的內容侵害第三人權益,您除了必須自行承擔所有責任之外,造成 iCHEF 損害之部分,應予賠償。


保護您的隱私權對 iCHEF 至關重要。iCHEF 已針對相關事項制定隱私權政策,詳情請參見:iCHEF 隱私權條款。


您同意 iCHEF 得依其單方裁量,隨時通知終止或停止您對 iCHEF 網站之存取及 / 或使用,就 iCHEF 單方終止或停止使用者存取或使用 iCHEF 之網站及 / 或服務之行為,而對使用者或任何第三方所生的損失及/或損害,iCHEF 概不負責。

iCHEF 網站係依現況現狀提供您使用,iCHEF 並保留隨時修改各項服務功能之一部或全部之權利。iCHEF 對於 iCHEF 之網站及服務內容不作任何明示、暗示或法定的擔保、主張或聲明,包括但不限於對於品質、效能、無侵權、適售性、不中斷或特定用途適用性之擔保,亦不保證瑕疵(如有)會被更正。

您瞭解 iCHEF 未對本網站上內容加以任何事先審查,對使用者之使用行為亦無法進行全面控制,您使用任何 iCHEF 網站及 / 或服務內容時,包括內容之正確性、完整性或實用性時,您同意將自行加以判斷並承擔所有風險,但 iCHEF 有權自行判斷是否移除違反本服務條款或其他引起反感之任何內容。您瞭解並同意,iCHEF 基於以下目的之合理必要範圍內,認定必須將網站上內容加以保存或揭露予政府機關、司法警察、未成年人之監護人及相關會員時,得逕自加以保存及揭露:

  1. 為遵守法令或政府機關之要求。

  2. 為提供本網站服務所必須者。

  3. 為防止他人權益之重大危害而有必要者。

  4. 為免除使用者及公眾之生命、身體、自由、權利、財產上之急迫危險者。

  5. 其他 iCHEF 認為有必要的情況。

iCHEF 有權於任何時間暫時或永久修改或終止 iCHEF 之網路及 / 或服務(或其任何部分),而無論其通知與否,您同意對於 iCHEF 網站及 / 或服務所作的任何修改、暫停或終止,iCHEF 對您和任何第三人均無需承擔任何責任。


iCHEF 網站可能會提供第三方內容或連結至其他外部連結,您可能因此連結其他業者經營或銷售之網站,惟不代表 iCHEF 與該等業者有任何關係。iCHEF 不控制且不為第三方之內容與網站背書或保證其內容之真實性、正確性與完整性,亦不對第三方網站的內容、隱私政策與行為承擔責任。若因使用第三方網站的任何內容、商品或服務所產生您的任何損害或損失,iCHEF 不負任何直接或間接之責任。


於法律允許之最大範圍內,iCHEF 將不負責任何 iCHEF 網站及 / 或服務所造成的損害、利益損失、收入損失、生意損失、機會損失、資料遺失、間接或是因果損失等,並且 iCHEF 對任何單一使用者之責任,將以 iCHEF 對該會員所收取的費用為上限。


基於不可抗力、法律或政策的變化或其他非 iCHEF 所能控制的因素,致 iCHEF 不能履行本網站服務時,iCHEF 可隨時停止提供相關的服務,且不對由此造成之任何損害負擔賠償責任。


iCHEF 有權於任何時間修改或變更本服務條款之內容或暫停、終止 iCHEF 網站及/或服務,且毋須另行通知。本服務條款一旦發生變動,iCHEF 將在本網站上公布其修改內容,您應隨時注意該等修改或變更。而 iCHEF 修改後之本服務條款一旦於本網站上公布,即有效取代先前與您之服務條款。您於本服務條款之任何修改或變更後繼續使用 iCHEF 網站及 / 或服務,即視為您已閱讀、瞭解並同意接受該等前述修改或變更。

與 iCHEF 各項服務有關之價格調整或內容變動,iCHEF 將在調整前三個月前以電子郵件、公布於 iCHEF 網站、LINE 官方頻道等方式通知您。


您同意 iCHEF 得使用電子方式通知您關於本服務條款與其他告示,例如:電子郵件、於 iCHEF 網站或其他通訊頻道等。您擔保所提供之聯絡用電子郵件應即時、正確且具備相關權限。您同意 iCHEF 以電子方式發出前述通知之日即視為通知已送達。因資訊傳輸等原因導致您未在前述通知發出當日收到該等通知者, iCHEF 不負擔任何責任。


本服務條款之效力、解釋、適用及爭議解決,均應以中華民國法律為準據法。凡雙方因使用 iCHEF 網站、服務或違反本服務條款所引起之一切糾紛、爭議或歧見,雙方同意先本誠信原則協商之,協商不成而涉訟時,雙方同意以台灣台北地方法院為第一審管轄法院。

您與 iCHEF 僅得以自己名義對他方提起主張與請求,不可為任何團體訴訟、代表訴訟、合併程序或包含多位聲請人之程序的當事人。




如 iCHEF 遲延或未執行依本服務條款所擁有權利時,不構成對該等權利之棄權。

若您對上述服務條款有任何疑問或意見,或您獲悉任何相關違規行為,請聯繫 iCHEF:service@ichef.com.tw。

iCHEF 隱私權政策


依照個人資料保護法第 8 條規定,本隱私權政策將幫助您了解,我們如何蒐集、處理、利用及保護個人資料,請詳閱以下內容:


  1. 個人資料


上述特定目的,法定編號包含:〇六九  契約、類似契約或其他法律關係事務、〇七七  訂位、住宿登記與購票業務、〇八一 個人資料之合法交易業務、〇九〇 消費者、客戶管理與服務、〇九一 消費者保護、〇九八 商業與技術資訊、一三五 資(通)訊服務、一三六 資(通)訊與資料庫管理、一五二 廣告或商業行為管理、一五七 調查、統計與研究分析、一八一 其他經營合於營業登記項目或組織章程所定之業務。

使用者可能會被要求提供個人資料,包括但不限於當使用者光臨我們的程式、於程式註冊、以及我們程式連結之其他活動、服務、特徵或資源時。 然而,使用者可能匿名光臨程式。我們僅在使用者自願提供予我們時蒐集個人資料。然而,如果使用者拒絕提供個人資料,使用者可能將無法接觸特定程式相關活動。我們會蒐集不同的個人資料以用於下列服務:

  1. 會員註冊:姓名、電話號碼、生日、電子郵件。

  2. 部分線上服務:姓名、地址、電話號碼、信用卡卡號。

  3. 有關服務的研究及分析。

  4. 個人化體驗。

  5. 追蹤服務。

  6. 廣告、推廣服務:地址、電子郵件地址、電話號碼。

  7. 障礙排除。

  8. 其他服務或活動,例如特別行銷或競賽活動:姓名、電子郵件、生日和其他與本公司行銷目的相關之資訊。

2. 非個人資料


3. cookies及遠端蒐集

我們及與我們合作的第三方可能使用  cookies 及遠端蒐集。特定資料可能會被蒐集,如網際網路協定位址、設備事件資訊包括但不限於瀏覽器類型、當機或閃退記錄、系統活動和其他伺服器登入資料。我們的程式可能會使用 cookies 來提升使用者體驗。使用者的網頁瀏覽器會在硬碟置入 cookies 用來記錄瀏覽記錄以及有時用來追蹤使用資訊。使用者可以選擇關閉 cookies 或設定瀏覽器於 cookies 傳送時將提醒您。然請注意當網頁瀏覽器設定拒絕 cookies 時,程式上之部分功能可能無法順利運作。

4. 以下第三方可能接收您的資料

第三方軟體:包括但不限於 Uber Eats、foodpanda、LINE pay 與藍新金流。



AWS:本服務使用Amazon.com, Inc提供的元件。本公司可能將您的個人資料,透過AWS資料庫儲存。

5. 我們如何運作及使用蒐集的資訊


  1. 與使用者溝通


  2. 個人化使用者體驗


  3. 管理程式上之任何特殊活動


  4. 我們如何保護您的資料


  5. 資料分享與揭露

    我們不會與任何第三人出售、交易或出租使用者之個人資料。我們可能揭露、出售、交易或出租通用性且經整合的統計資訊,此統計資訊包含但不限於應用程式名稱、安裝/卸載之時間日期及場域(國家)等,未連結至任何個人資訊之統計資訊。若您不希望您的資訊可能以上開方式分享者,請透過 consumer@ichef.com.tw 聯繫我們。

  6. 變更

    為因應時勢變遷或法令修正等事由,我們有權於任何時間修改或變更本政策之內容,您應經常查看以瞭解您當前的權利及義務,但我們不會在未取得您明確同意的情況下,逕自縮減本政策賦予您的權利。如果本政策有重大異動,我們會提供更明顯的通知 (例如以電子郵件通知政策異動)。您須同意接受本政策之修改及變更,才能在本我們修改或變更本政策後仍繼續使用本服務。

  7. 廣告


  8. 第三方程式或網站


  9. 我們隱私權政策的更新


  10. 您對於隱私權政策之同意

    如您欲撤回隱私權政策之同意或拒絕提供您的個人資料,您可以停止使用本服務,並透過 consumer@ichef.com.tw 聯繫我們。但我們可能會於法定必要範圍內,保留您的個人資料。


  11. 有關您的隱私保證


  12. 您的權利


    1. 查詢或請求閱覽您的個人資料。

    2. 請求提供給您的個人資料複製本。

    3. 請求補充或更正您的個人資料。

    4. 請求停止蒐集、處理或利用您的個人資料。

    5. 請求刪除您的個人資料。

  13. 聯繫我們


本隱私政策最後更新於  2022 年 7 月 13 日

iCHEF  Terms of Service

You are welcome to use the website and/or services of iCHEF Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "iCHEF"). When you use the website and/or services of iCHEF directly or indirectly, it means that you have read, understood, agreed to accept and Comply with the following terms of service ("Terms of Service").

iCHEF provides POS services and other product functions, including but not limited to ordering, ordering, data statistics, online menu, reservation, checkout, headquarter system and operation management and marketing, etc.).

By using any iCHEF product/website or service, you represent and warrant: 

  1. You are a natural person, legal entity or other organization with full rights and capacity, and you are legally entitled to accept the Terms of Service;

  2. To the extent permitted by laws and regulations, you agree that iCHEF may use your information and operate iCHEF's website and services in order to comply with relevant laws or the mandatory provisions of relevant laws;

  3. You shall not use iCHEF's website and/or services for others or for any unlawful purpose, nor shall you use iCHEF's website and/or services for any improper or detrimental activities to iCHEF's goodwill;

  4. You agree that iCHEF may immediately terminate your right to use the iCHEF website and/or services in the specific events (including but not limited to the following), and iCHEF may claim damages of any loss due to the following events from you (including but not limited to litigation costs, attorney fees and loss of goodwill):

    a. you violate the Terms of Service;

    b. you attempt to or assist others to access iCHEF website without authorization;

    c. your misuse of iCHEF's website and/or services;

    d. you use robots or other technical methods to change, delete, or destroy the content or equipment of iCHEF website, or adversely affect the operation of this website;

    e. you change, delete or collect the Personal Information of others through technical methods such as bypassing or destroying the security maintenance mechanism of iCHEF website;

    f. you violate any relevant regulations.

  5. Except as otherwise specified in the Terms of Service, the rights and obligations between you and iCHEF shall still comply with the terms of the "POS Service Agreement" signed between you and iCHEF.

Limited license

iCHEF authorizes you to access and use iCHEF's website and services. This authorization is limited, non-exclusive and non-transferable.  iCHEF reserves the right to transfer all rights, benefits or obligations to others. The Terms of Service shall be followed by iCHEF’s assignee in full effect.

Intellectual property protection

The content you upload to the iCHEF website or service, including but not limited to your information, photos or text, shall not infringe the rights of any third party, including but not limited to trademarks, patents, copyrights and business secrets. If the content you submit infringes the rights and interests of any third party, you should be liable for the damage caused to iCHEF in addition to all the responsibilities you have to bear.

Privacy protection

Protecting your privacy is critical to iCHEF. iCHEF has formulated a privacy policy for related matters, please refer to iCHEF Privacy Policy.


You agree that iCHEF may, at its sole discretion, terminate or stop your access to and/or use of iCHEF's website at any time by giving notice, and for iCHEF's unilateral termination or cessation of users' access to or use of iCHEF's website and/or services, iCHEF is not responsible for any loss and/or damage incurred by the user or any third party.

The iCHEF website is provided for your use according to the current situation, and iCHEF reserves the right to modify some or all of the service functions at any time. iCHEF makes no warranties, claims or representations, express, implied or statutory, including but not limited to warranties of quality, performance, non-infringement, merchantability, uninterrupted or fitness for a particular purpose, and the defects (if any) may not be corrected, with respect to iCHEF's website and service content.

You understand that iCHEF has not conducted any prior review of the content on this website, nor can it fully control the use of users. When you use any iCHEF website and/or service content, including the correctness, completeness or usefulness of the content, You agree to use your own judgment and assume all risks. iCHEF reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to remove any content that violates the Terms of Service. You understand and agree that iCHEF may save and disclose the content of the website to government agencies, judicial police, guardians of minors and related members within the scope of reasonable and necessary for the following purposes:

  1. To comply with the requirements of laws or government agencies.

  2. Necessary for the provision of services on this website.

  3. Necessary to prevent serious harm to the rights and interests of others.

  4. In order to avoid imminent danger to the life, body, liberty, rights and property of users and the public.

  5. Other circumstances that iCHEF deems necessary.

iCHEF reserves the right to modify or discontinue, temporarily or permanently, iCHEF's network and/or services (or any part thereof) at any time, with or without notice. You agree that iCHEF  shall not be liable to you or any third party of any modification, suspension or termination.

Third Party Content and Websites

The iCHEF website may provide third-party content or link to other external links, and you may link to websites operated by other operators. It does not mean that iCHEF has any relationship with such operators. iCHEF does not control and does not endorse or guarantee the authenticity, correctness and integrity of third-party content and websites, and is not responsible for the content, privacy policies and conduct of third-party websites. iCHEF shall not be liable, directly or indirectly, for any damage or loss to you arising from the use of any content, goods or services on third party websites.

Limitation of Liability

To the maximum extent permitted by law, iCHEF shall not be liable for any damage, loss of profits, loss of income, loss of business, loss of opportunity, loss of data, indirect or consequential loss, caused by any iCHEF website and/or service. The responsibility and compensation limit of a single user will be iCHEF’s sum charge of the user.

Force Majeure

iCHEF may stop providing services of the website at any time, and will not be liable for any damages caused thereby if it’s due to force majeure, changes in laws or policies or other factors beyond iCHEF's control.

Amendment of Terms of Service

iCHEF reserves the right to modify or change the content of the Terms of Service or to suspend or terminate the iCHEF website and/or services at any time without prior notice. Once the Terms of Service are updated, iCHEF will publish its revised content on the website, and you should be aware of such revisions or changes at any time. Once iCHEF's revised Terms of Service are published on the website, it will effectively replace the previous Terms of Service. Your continued use of the iCHEF website and/or services after any modification or change of the Terms of Service shall be deemed that you have read, understood and agreed to accept such aforesaid modification or change.

For price adjustments or content changes related to this service, iCHEF will notify you three months prior to the adjustment by email, announcement on iCHEF website and/or LINE official channel.


You agree that iCHEF may notify you of the Terms of Service and other notices through the internet, such as by email,  iCHEF website or other online channels. You warrant that the contact e-mail provided by you shall be current, correct and authoritative. You agree that the notice shall be deemed to have been served on the date iCHEF sends the foregoing notice online. iCHEF shall not be liable for any failure to receive such notices timely when the aforementioned notices are issued due to information transmission or other reasons.

Governing Law

The validity, interpretation, application and dispute resolution of the Terms of Service shall be governed by the laws of Taiwan, R.O.C. For all disputes or differences arising from the use of iCHEF website, services or violation of the Terms of Service, both parties agree to negotiate in good faith. When it comes to lawsuits, both parties agree that the Taipei District Court shall be the first jurisdiction court.

You and iCHEF may bring claims against the other party solely by your own and may not be parties to any class action, representative action, merger proceeding, or multi-claimant proceeding.

Severability of provisions

If any term of the Terms of Service is found to be illegal, invalid or unenforceable, such provision shall be deemed severable and shall not affect the validity and enforceability of other terms.


Any delay or failure by iCHEF to enforce its rights under the Terms of Service shall not constitute a waiver of those rights.

If you have any questions or comments about the above Terms of Service, or you become aware of any related violations, please contact iCHEF: service@ichef.com.tw.

This Terms of Service was last updated on November 25, 2022.

Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy applies to the services of various products and functions (hereinafter referred to as "the Service") of iCHEF Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "the Company") .

In accordance with Article 8 of the Personal Data Protection Law, this Privacy Policy will help you understand how we collect, process, use and protect personal data, please read the following:

You agree and accept this Privacy Policy and you may withdraw your consent at any time.

Personal Information

Personal data refers to personally identifiable information, such as name, user name, password, address, email address, telephone number and other non-public information (hereinafter referred to as "personal data"). We collect personal data to provide better service to users.

For the above specific purposes, the statutory numbers include: 069 Contract, similar contracts or other legal relationship matters; 077 Reservation, accommodation registration and ticketing business; 081 Legal transaction of personal data; 090 Consumer, customer management and services; 091 Consumer protection; 098 Business and technology information; 135 Information (Communication) services; 136 Information (Communication) and database management; 152 Advertising or commercial behavior management; 157 Survey, statistics and research analysis; 181 Other operations that are in line with the business registration items or the articles of association.

Users may be asked to provide personal information, including but not limited to when users visit our programs, register with the programs, and other activities, services, features or resources linked to our programs. However, users may visit the program anonymously. We only collect personal data when users voluntarily provide it to us. However, if the user refuses to provide personal information, the user may not be able to access certain program-related activities. We collect different personal data for the following services:

  1. Member registration: name, phone number, birthday, email.

  2. Some online services: name, address, phone number, credit card number.

  3. Research and analysis of services.

  4. Personalized experience.

  5. Tracking service.

  6. Advertising, promotional services: addresses, email addresses, telephone numbers.

  7. Obstacles removed.

  8. Other services or events, such as special marketing or contests: name, email, birthday and other information relevant to the company's marketing purposes.

Non-personal Data

We may collect non-personally identifiable information from users during their interactions with the program. Non-personally identifiable information refers to information that cannot identify the user itself, including but not limited to the user name on the user's browser, the type of computer the user uses to connect to our programs, and technical information such as operating system and network service providers and other similar information.

Cookies and Remote Collection

We and the third parties we work with may use cookies and remote collection. Certain information may be collected, such as internet protocol addresses, device event information, including but not limited to browser type, crash or crash history, system activity and other server login information. Our programs may use cookies to enhance the user experience. The user's web browser places cookies on the hard drive to record browsing history and sometimes to track usage information. Users can choose to turn off cookies or set their browser to alert you when cookies are being sent. However, please note that when your web browser is set to reject cookies, some functions on the program may not work smoothly.

The following third parties may receive your data:

  • Third-party software: including but not limited to Uber Eats, foodpanda, LINE pay and NewebPay.

  • Affiliated Businesses: We may share information you provide or relate to you with parent companies, subsidiaries or other affiliated businesses.

  • Restaurant: Any restaurant that uses this service to build membership information or provide online ordering.

  • AWS: This service uses components provided by Amazon.com, Inc. The company may store your personal data through AWS database. The Contract between the Company and Amazon has ensured that AWS cloud storage service complies with information security regulations.

How we operate and use the information we collect

The Company may transmit or use the user's personal data by email, telephone or other reasonable and lawful means within the specific scope and period in line with the following specific purposes (hereinafter referred to as "purpose").

  • Communicate with users:

When a user submits or asks for any comments on the program, we will reply to the user with the contact information provided.

  • Personalized user experience:

We may aggregate user data to understand how our users use the services and resources provided by our programs.

  • Any special event on the management program:

If users participate in lucky draws, contests, questionnaires, promotions and other related activities on the program, we may use the information provided by users to manage or conduct such activities.

How we protect your data

We take appropriate data protection, storage and processing mechanisms and data security measures to avoid unauthorized access, alteration, disclosure or destruction of your personal data, transaction information and data processed and stored in our programs.

Data Sharing and Disclosure

We will not sell, trade or rent users' personal data with any third party. We may disclose, sell, trade or lease general and aggregated statistical information, including but not limited to application name, installation/uninstallation time and date, and location (country), etc., which are not linked to any personal information. If you do not want your information to be shared with the above-mentioned methods, please contact us at: consumer@ichef.com.tw.


We have the right to modify or change the content of this Privacy Policy at any time in response to changes in current circumstances or legal amendments. You should always check to understand your current rights and obligations. We will not reduce your rights under this policy without your explicit consent. If there are material changes to this policy, we will provide more visible notice (such as notification of the policy change by email). You must agree to accept the revisions and changes of this policy in order to continue to use the service after we have revised or changed this policy.


Our programs may display advertisements from third-party advertisers and deliver them to users who have set cookies. These cookies allow the advertiser's server to recognize your computer each time it sends you an online advertisement, and to compile non-personal information about you or anyone using your computer. This information enables advertisers to deliver specific advertisements that they believe will be of interest to you. This Privacy Policy does not cover the use of cookies or any conduct of these advertisers.

Third Parties' Program or Website

The Service contains links to third-party programs, websites, products and services. Our products and services may also use or provide products and services from other third parties. This privacy policy does not apply to the third program or website, however, we encourage users to review the privacy policy of those third party program or website.

Updates to Privacy Policy

We regularly review our Privacy Policy and compliance with it. Our Privacy Policy may change over time. If there are any changes, we will update the Privacy Policy on the website, and the relevant information changes will be announced. We encourage users to check this page frequently. At the same time, you should understand and agree that it is your responsibility to review this Privacy Policy regularly.

Your Consent to the Privacy Policy

If you wish to withdraw your consent to the Privacy Policy or refuse to provide your personal information, you can stop using this service and contact us at consumer@ichef.com.tw. However, we may retain your personal data to the extent legally necessary.

Please note that when you withdraw your consent to the Privacy Policy, the payment you have paid to us will not be refunded, and you will no longer be able to use the service.

Privacy guarantee

In order to ensure the security of your information and the implementation of our Privacy Policy, we will educate our employees about these policies, practices and management controls.

Your Rights

We respect the personal data you provide. With regard to the personal data you provide to us, you can exercise the following rights by contacting our customer service:

  • Inquire or request access to your personal data;

  • Request a copy of the personal data provided by you;

  • Request to supplement or correct your personal data;

  • Request to stop collecting, processing or using your personal data;

  • Request deletion of your personal data.

Contact us

If you have any questions about the Privacy Policy, or regarding the transfer of data, any operation of this service, please contact us at the following email: consumer@ichef.com.tw

This Privacy Policy was last updated on November 25, 2022.