新簽約/續約獲贈新款 iPad 或出單機一部,贈品有限送完即止!
新簽約/續約獲贈新款 iPad 或出單機一部,贈品有限送完即止!
iCHEF Hong Kong 在香港和飲食業老闆們一同渡過了十個年頭,我們誠意邀請你和我們一同分享十年來,開餐廳的甜酸苦辣。即時簽約或續約,可以獲贈新款 iPad 或出單機一部,贈品有限送完即止。
iCHEF 保留贈送贈品與活動最終決定權。合約為港幣 $888 一個月,客戶需預繳合約期的月費。
(如:簽約兩年,需預繳合約 24 個月的月費;如簽約一年,需預繳合約 12 個月的月費)
iCHEF reserves the rights of final decision on the gift offering and related policies. The subscription for the contract is HKD$888 per month. Advance payment for service is required
(e.g. 24-month advance payment for a 2-year contract or 12-months for a 1-year contract).
The latest iPad: 10th generation 64GB Silver, WiFi